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ICSR Conference – ISIS in Europe

ICSR Conference – ISIS in Europe
18th July 2016 ICSR Team

The events in Nice have made it clear that the threat from terrorism in Europe is sustained, real, and that it needs to be much better understood. This event, which was co-organised by ICSR and Trends Research and Advisory, explored the connections between Europe and the violence being supported/carried out by Daesh/ISIS.

The process works two ways – attacks being carried out in Europe, either in Daesh’s name or directly controlled by Daesh and the process of indivdiuals travelling to the Middle East to directly engage in violence being conducted in Syria and Iraq. This event sought to examine the motivations for individuals in Europe to engage in violence in Europe, or to travel to the Middle East, the methods Daesh is using to recruit and direct individuals, and how European States can better cooperate/coordinate their actions to preserve security here in Europe, as well as support the action for peace and security in the Middle East.

Please click here for the full programme.

When: Thursday 28 – Friday 29 July

Where: King’s College London

Keynote Speaker:

▪ Richard Barrett, former head of counterterrorism, MI6


▪ Professor Fernando Reinares, Elcano Royal Institute

▪ Dr Shiraz Maher, ICSR

▪ Dr Nancy Okail, TIMEP

▪ Professor Farhad Khosrokhavar, EHESS

▪ Professor Rik Coolsaet, Ghent University

▪ Jakob Sheikh, Politiken, Denmark

▪ Dr Christiane Hoehn, Office of the European Union CT Coordinator

▪ Raffaello Pantucci, RUSI

▪ Dr Lorenzo Vidino, George Washington University

▪ Dr Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens, ICSR

▪ Amarnath Amarasingam, George Washington University

▪ Dr Daniel Heinke, ICSR and State of Bremen, Germany

▪ Ambassador Alberto Fernandez, MEMRI

▪ Brian Fishman, Facebook

▪ Charlie Winter, independent researcher

▪ Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi, ICSR

▪ Dr Shashi Jayakumar, CENS, Singapore

▪ Professor Peter Neumann, ICSR

Sessions was moderated by Professor Peter Neumann, ICSR, Dr Shiraz Maher, ICSR and Dr Richard Burchill, TRENDS.

This conference was organised by ICSR and TRENDS Research and Advisory.

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