We are delighted to announce that ICSR will be hosting the Second Annual GNET Conference, taking place online and in-person on Wednesday May 18th and Thursday May 19th. A series of five panels will be held across the days, representing and reaching out to a truly global research network.
You can find more information on the confirmed speakers below. This conference is free of charge, and attendees are invited to join as many panels as they like. Panels 1 and 2 will be fully virtual, and Panels 3, 4 and 5 will be held in-person at King’s College London and live-streamed.
Please register here.
Panel 1 – Accelerationist Movements Online and the Manosphere (Virtual)
11pm BST / 6pm EDT / 8am AEST (+1)
- Welcoming words from Nicholas Rasmussen, Executive Director of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT)
- Dr Ashton Kingdon, The University of Southampton (chair)
- Erica Barbarossa, Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism
- Jonathan Lewis, Program on Extremism
- Alexandria Onuoha, Suffolk University
Panel 2 – Violent Extremist Fundraising (Virtual)
4am BST / 11pm EDT (-1) / 1pm AEST
- Dr Scott Kleinmann, Citibank (chair)
- Andrew Mines, Program on Extremism
- Dr Megan Squire, Elon University
- Ariel Bogle, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Panel 3 – Methods for Strategic Intervention (Hybrid)
11am BST / 6am EDT / 8pm AEST
- Chelsea Daymon, The Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (chair)
- Cameron Sumpter, The Centre of Excellence for National Security
- Mike Burgess, Moonshot
- Dr Shiri Krebs, Deakin Law School
- Dr Nawab Osman, Facebook
- Anne Craanen, Tech Against Terrorism
Panel 4 – Trends on Alt-Tech Platforms (Hybrid)
2pm BST / 9am EDT / 11pm AEST
- Kesa White, The Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (chair)
- Lydia Khalil, Lowy Institute
- Dr Tim Legrand, Cyber Security Cooperative Research Consortium
- Dr Eviane Leidig, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism
Panel 5 – Future Forecasting: Violent Extremist Threats (Hybrid)
4pm BST / 11am EDT / 1am AEST (+1)
- Marigny Jane Kirschke-Schwartz, University of Texas (chair)
- Dr Erin Saltman, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT)
- Munira Mustaffa, Chasseur Group
- Meili Criezis, The Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab
- Marc-André Argentino, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation
- Kabir Taneja, Observer Research Foundation