XCEPT Briefing Note – Imprisoned for Terrorism: The Experiences of Inmates in Roumieh Prison in Lebanon
Dr Craig Larkin & Dr Rajan Basra
This Briefing Note assesses the impact of imprisonment and Lebanon’s criminal justice system on radicalisation and violent extremism. Based on interviews with ex-prisoners who spent time in Roumieh Prison in Lebanon for terrorism offences, this brief offers insights into how prisoner attitudes and experiences can be used to inform the management of extremist offenders.
Credit: Shutterstock/Paul Saad.
Key Findings:
- Prisons should not be seen as separate from the communities from which their inmates are drawn.
- Islamists can circumvent the Lebanese criminal justice system using wasta, or personal connections.
- Many prisoners detained for terrorism offences claim to have been the victims of mistreatment and torture.
- When the authorities have left the prisoners to their own devices, Islamists have filled the vacuum and self-governed in prison.
- Inmates have a strong feeling of injustice toward the Lebanese authorities, regardless of the level of their offending or status within the Islamist scene.
- Prison radicalisation is not a foregone conclusion. Even in Roumieh, disengagement is possible.
The full Briefing Note can be accessed here.
This publication was produced as part of the XCEPT programme, a programme funded by UK Aid from the UK government. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.